Sharp Stabbing Pain After Your C-Section

A c-section is an important abdominal operation, you will get sharp stabbing pain on right side after c-section and it will heal over time. This treatment involves cutting a couple of nerves, and a full recovery could take up to six months. Even months after giving birth, many women who have a c-section still endure numbing, itching, and stabbing sensations.

The first 6 weeks after childbirth make up the postpartum phase. It is a period when the body returns to its previous pregnancy shape. After giving birth, you will undoubtedly be extremely worn out, but you may not have imagined enduring postpartum abdominal pain. You will learn everything about stabbing pains after c section there to know about the various types of pain and its reasons and explanations in this post.

You can typically expect some level of pain or discomfort after surgery. Surgery is stressful to the body, and any pain you experience could be your body’s attempt to repair any damaged tissues. However, in certain cases, nerve pain follows, which is a different kind of pain from what you should generally anticipate.

Sharp stabbing pain on right side after c-section

While a pregnancy shows off exterior changes, interior ones are less obvious. Although these internal alterations may be subtle, their impacts are rather evident. Although surgeons make every effort to avoid any nerve damage , it is quite challenging to pass through to the uterus without contacting the nerves.

There is therefore no need to be concerned if you have a sudden discomfort on the bottom part of your abdomen and stabbing pain following a c-section because it is just the result of nerve damage. 


Afterpain is brought on by the uterus contracting. Why does it shrink, you must be wondering. The uterus is a flexible, pear-shaped organ that has a greater than 500-fold capacity for expansion. The uterus reverts to its previous size as quickly as the foetus is removed from the body. Afterpains are really painful cramps brought on by this.

It is nearly impossible to execute a C-section without hurting some nerves, just like other surgical procedures. Nevertheless, long-term nerve damage following a C-section is generally not common.

Nerve injuries frequently resolve without leaving any long-term effects. Nerve injury is referred to as the improper healing of wounded nerves. Different short- and long-term symptoms may emerge, relying on which nerves were affected and how they operate. Nerve discomfort and diminished motor function are some of these symptoms.


Constipation is another factor that may contribute to significant abdominal discomfort following a c-section. This frequently occurs together with cramps, which exacerbates the stomach pain.

The following are a few potential causes:

  • increased amounts of progesterone
  • less fibre in diets
  • Stress
  • lower amount of acidity

During pregnancy, constipation is normal. Painkillers that slow the body’s metabolism are to blame for postpartum constipation.

Right Side Sharp Stabbing Pain Following C-Section

The visible changes that occur during pregnancy are rather obvious, but the inside alterations are still concealed. Although these inside alterations can’t be seen, they have noticeable impacts nonetheless! Although surgeons make every effort to avoid contacting any nerves while doing the procedure, it is practically impossible to enter the uterus without doing so. The three nerves listed below that are located closest to the incision site are

  • Nerve ilioinguinal
  • Nerve of the iliohypogastric
  • Nerve genitofemoral

Remain calm if you have a strong stabbing pain on your right side following a C-section or abdominal pain after c section on right side because it is merely nerve damage. This is due to the fact that a severed nerve causes numbness rather than despair. The areas listed below frequently experience excruciating, stabbing pain on the right side following C-sections.

wound infection after a c-section

Both internal and exterior infections can affect a wound following a c-section.

Septicemia, a rare kind of infection, can also be caused by these infections.

internal infections

An inside infection may potentially be the cause of the sharp pain you experience after a c-section. An surgery makes the human body’s inside visible to the whole public. Any surgical procedure carries a small but always present risk of infection, and c-sections are particularly vulnerable to microbial damage to bodily tissue. Doctors advise using antibiotics to prevent these forms of infections.

external Infection

Infections are always a risk at the surgical wound. Redness and swelling at the incision site are symptoms of external infections. Sometimes pus is also present around the incision. If so, you should see a doctor so that the infection can be treated effectively.


This kind of illness is the most deadly and extremely infrequent. Usually, it is referred to as sepsis or septicemia. High fever, an accelerated heartbeat, and incorrect breathing are signs of the illnesses. The most serious blood poisoning illness needs to be treated right away.

After a C-section, should you anticipate a sharp stabbing pain on your left side?

Recovery from a C-section depends on what happens in the initial few weeks. Any issues that develop during this time are typically brought on by an inflammation or infection of the operative wound.

Although the incision itself is usually the source of sharp stabbing pain on left side after c section at this time, it’s necessary to rule out some other potential causes as well.

Following a caesarean section, the incision site can become sore and unpleasant for a few days.

Recovery may take a few weeks, and pain may linger for as long as six months following the treatment.

Right Hip Pain Following C-Section

After a c-section, right hip discomfort that is severe is not unusual. It takes a lot of patience to get back to your pre-pregnancy physique, so restoration is not easy. Additionally, while thinking about hip pain, nerve injury may be the cause. When the body is recovering from a c-section, the injured tissues attach quickly to the surrounding skin. This binding produces acute back and hip agony. Adding growth promoters to the diet, such as iron and vitamin C, is the treatment for this problem.

The issue may also be caused by being overweight. You need to make an effort to shed the weight you gained throughout your pregnancy if you want to solve this issue.

Why my C-section scar still hurts after several years

It wouldn’t be incorrect to state that deliveries suffer long-term negative impacts from caesarean sections! You will have a scar on your abdomen as a result of the procedure. For many people, this may not seem like a big deal, but for individuals who care deeply about their appearance, it is quite important!

C-section scars can hurt after ten years of surgery, in addition to being unsightly. You should see a doctor if indeed the scars is still giving you pain.

A condition known as hypertrophic scarring affects some patients. Excessive tissue growth, which is associated with this condition, is present. These tissues are dense and frequently take the form of lumps.


There is no need to be concerned if you experience a sharp stabbing pain after a c-section. Each of the aforementioned issues is unique to each person. Therefore, if you experience any difficulties, calm down and call your doctor right away.

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