Wrist Girth Intermittent Fasting: This is how healthy weight loss works

Healthily losing weight and keeping it off this is possible with intermittent fasting, but what does wrist girth have to do with intermittent fasting -. Longer breaks are taken between meals. What is the difference between the 16:8, 5:2, and 1:1 methods?

Intermittent fasting is the most important new trend in nutritional medicine. The method can help to lose weight and healthily maintain body weight. Studies have shown intermittent fasting can protect against diabetes (type 2).

What methods are there for intermittent fasting?

Fasting means doing without certain foods, drinks, and stimulants, for a short or longer period. With intermittent fasting, you can choose between different variants:

  • 16:8 method: There are 16 hours between the previous day’s last meal and the day’s first meal. Two meals are eaten in the eight hours you are allowed to eat.
  • 5:2 method: Eat normally five days a week and very little on two days.
  • 1:1 method: (alternating fasting or alternate day fasting): With this variant, you normally eat one day, and the next day you are only allowed to consume about 25 percent of the usual energy. So you always alternate between “normal” days and fasting days.

To know about what wrist girth has to do with intermittent fasting, this guide will help you.

How to Follow Intermittent fating and Know About Your weight with wrist girth

You are able to know about your weight after intermittent Fasting by wrist girth. Yes, you read it right. intermittent fasting based on wrist size.

You just need to use your two fingers.
Create a loop of these two fingers.
Now place those fingers on the other hand around your wrist.
If those two fingers can able to make the loop, It means your weight is Ideal.
If there is some space between those fingers, that’s considered overweight.
If they overlap each other, that’s considered underweight.
What does wrist grith have to do with intermittent Fasting? It has a strong connection with intermittent Fasting as they help you analyse your weight.
You can follow intermittent Fasting to get your ideal weight.

Why short-term fasting is so effective

The human metabolism has been adjusted to fasting phases since the Stone Age. When there was plenty, our ancestors ate without restraint. In times of shortage, the stomach remained empty for a few hours or days. The human body survives longer periods of hunger by storing energy reserves in various organs and tissues and mobilizing them again when needed. However, it also reduces energy consumption – after a few days, it breaks down muscle protein.

The decisive difference between intermittent fasting and longer fasting cures or crash diets: the metabolism is not throttled, and muscle mass is not broken down. This is very important because it avoids the dreaded yo-yo effect.


Eat nothing for 16 hours, only two meals within eight hours: wrist girth intermittent fasting gives the body plenty of time to burn fat.

Fasting also leads to beneficial biochemical changes in the body, such as improved sugar and fat metabolism: Substances that can reduce inflammation are released.

Studies: Positive effect on body weight and age

Scientific studies on mice have shown that those who only eat during a certain time window stay lean and live longer than their conspecifics who have access to food around the clock. A food break of at least 14 hours also triggers a kind of cleaning process in our cells, the so-called autophagy. Damaged cell parts are covered by a membrane and digested. This recycling program makes aged cells fully functional and may even slow the aging process.

Fasting according to the 5:2 method

A popular form of wrist girth intermittent fasting is the 5:2 diet: you can eat as usual five days a week without counting calories. For two days, the food intake is reduced to 500 to 800 calories for women and 600 to 850 for men. It is important to drink plenty of calorie-free water. Quickly digestible carbohydrates such as wheat bread, pasta, potatoes, and sugar should be avoided completely on fasting days. This is how the body learns to live off its reserves. The 5:2 method is about as effective as a weight loss aid as continuous calorie reduction (FDH) but is easier to stick with.

Fasting according to the 16:8 method

If you don’t want to fast for a whole day, you can build longer breaks into your daily routine. With the 16:8 method, either the early or late meal is skipped, so that you go without food for 16 hours at a time. For example, if you don’t eat after 5 p.m., you can have breakfast again at 9 a.m. the next morning. The metabolism comes into a short fast every night. Even if you eat more with the two remaining meals, your body will not be able to consume as many calories as in three meals – overall food intake is reduced by five to ten percent. The potential to lose weight with this method has been scientifically proven – and it also helps against diseases associated with being overweight, such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. Another pleasant side effect: the body has less to do with digestion at night, which benefits the quality of sleep.

Fasting according to the 1:1 method

With the 1:1 diet – also known as alternating fasting or alternate day fasting – you fast every other day. It’s a bit of a challenge for the body. If you want to try them, you should always consult a doctor first. With alternating fasting, it is also particularly important to ensure a balanced diet in order to provide the body with all the important nutrients.

What can you drink during intermittent fasting?

With both variants, it is important not to eat more than usual during the phases of food intake. You can and should drink while fasting – but only calorie-free drinks such as water, thin vegetable broth, unsweetened tea or black coffee in moderation.

How many hours break between meals?

Breaks of at least four to five hours should be taken between meals. Because if you eat carbohydrates in between – biscuits, crispbread, fruit juice or milk – the body converts them into sugar . And it goes straight into the blood: the blood sugar level rises, the body releases insulin and stops the breakdown of fat. The rapid insulin peak in the blood can lead to a slight, short-term hypoglycemia and food cravings.

Beware of pre-existing conditions.

Although intermittent fasting is good for most, some people should exercise caution. You should consult your doctor before you start if you have low blood pressure, metabolic diseases, chronic diseases, cancer or old age. Intermittent fasting is rather unsuitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia and with being underweight . It is also not recommended for migraines .

In the case of severe overweight, a formula diet as preparation

If severely overweight people want to lose weight quickly, a so-called formula diet with 700 to 800 kcal can be carried out before interval fasting. Episodes of therapeutic and intermittent fasting are repeatedly incorporated so the body gets used to it.

Intermittent fasting: the most important things at a glance

  • Avoid physical exertion while fasting until you fully adjust to the new rhythm.
  • Continue to eat normally, no larger portions.
  • To get and stay full, ensure you have enough vegetables ( dietary fiber ) and sources of protein (dairy products, eggs, fish, meat, legumes , mushrooms or nuts ) with every meal.
  • No snacks between meals!
  • Calorie-free drinks such as water or unsweetened tea help to bridge hunger pangs during the meal-free period.
  • After the first meal, take a short walk or exercise to help digestion.

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